Defiance County Historical Society

Defiance County Historical Society
Social Services
AuGlaize Village was founded in 1966 by the Defiance County Historical Society. The society received 40 acres and the big red barn in 1966 from the Mansfield Family. An additional 80 acres was later added. In 1975, the Society decided it best to turn over the museum complex to the people of Defiance in hopes that the County Commissioners would be able to get grants and assistance that a small 501c3 would not be able to get on their own. A management agreement was drawn up by a local attorney's office keeping the Society as the managers of the property and with the commissioners agreeing to plow the snow, mow the grass, and repair and maintain the facility.
45 years later, AuGlaize Village is still going strong drawing people from the tri-state area for its activities and festivals. But our world has changed. People are busier than ever and volunteers are hard to recruit. The locally owned factories are a thing of the past in Defiance and so AuGlaize Village must change with the times. We are always looking for Tuesday volunteers and people willing to work in the office with the collection as well as Event Volunteers. We are willing to train! Please contact us if you are interested.